Frontier Explorer "Settler"

6 Day Adventure weekly or fortnightly or monthly.

Level 1 - 6 hours - 10am-4pm

Ideal for ages 8 - 12 with parent/guardian


Min group size 6

Max group size 12 

Day 1 - Knife, Cutting Tools & Whittling Skills

Day 2 - Fire Lighting Skills 

Day 3 - Shelter Making, Camp Craft & Natural Cordage

Day 4 - Navigation Natural & Modern 

Day 5 - Foraging & Camp Fire Cooking 

Day 6 - Make a throwing Spear, a Bow & Arrows 

Book & Pay 

£30 per child per session

£180 for one complete adventure Level

To be paid in full to guarantee a place.


All children under 16 must be accompanied with *parent/guardian.

*No charge for Parent/guardian accompanying children.


Discount available for family/siblings booking.

Discount available for an entire group booking.

Frontier Explorer "Settler" 6 Day Adventure



  • Available

Or To Pay With PayPal click the logo below

Booking & further details

All you need to do is contact Spirited Adventure

and we'll call you back and arrange your Adventure with you

To Book and discuss your requirements please fill in this form making sure you include a phone number so we can text to let you know to look out for an email which may go into your junk/spam folder.

Note: Please fill out the fields marked with an asterisk.


 Day 1 - Knife, Cutting Tools & Whittling Skills


  Cutting Tool safety will be taught first.

Followed by clear demonstrations and instructions how

to make a mallet, tent pegs, and a pot hanger.


The whole day is designed to equip the explorers with the knowledge, skills and understanding how to use a knife & bow saw safely while creating practical camping items.

All these whittling techniques and items are the foundation to good bushcraft knowledge.

Day 2 - Fire Lighting Skills 


 Fire Safety will be taught first.

Followed by clear demonstration and instructions

on using a *'Ferro Rod' for ignition and how to make a fire.


Frontier Explorers will try a variety of man-made and natural tinders,

make tinder bundles and blow them into flame to create fire.


Explorers will be challenged to build and light a fire to make a

 hot drink using their pot hangers from day 1.


*Ferro Rod = Ferrocerium Rod.  When struck it produces hot sparks that can reach temperatures of 3,315 °C 

Day 3 - Shelter


Safety will be taught first.

Followed by clear demonstration and instructions how to make different types

of shelter with debris from the woods and different man-made tarps.


The Frontier Explorers will learn how important shelter from the elements to stay alive

in the wilderness is by using survival blankets, ponchos and tarps.

Learning knots and, good rope care and how to make natural cordage. 


Frontier Explorers will be challenged to make their own survival shelter.


Day 4 - Navigation, Natural and Modern


Safety will be taught first.

Followed by clear demonstration and instructions how to determine a compass direction in a survival situation using natural resources, such as a stick, a watch and a sowing needle. 


Basic map reading and compass work will be taught using modern equipment.


The Frontier Explorers will be challenged to complete an orienteering

course through the woodlands.


 Day 5 - Foraging & Camp Fire Cooking


Food Safety will be taught first.

Followed by clear and precise instruction on how to find and collect wild edible food,

and how to cook simple camp fire food.


Heading out on a group walk the Frontier Explorers will be given cards

to locate and identify different edible plants.


What we find we’ll prepare back at the Parachute HQ

using their pot hangers, make butter, damper bread, ash cakes,

corn on the cob (with their butter) and sausages on a stick.  


 Day 6 - Make a Throwing Spear, Bow & Arrows


Knife and Saw Safety will be taught first.

Followed by clear demonstration and instructions how to make bushcraft hunting tools.


The Frontier Explorers will collect the materials to make their own

spears and bows by selecting and cutting green wood.


A simulated hunting challenge will be set up to test their skills and accuracy.


Learn the skills & experience what it takes

to live in the wilderness